Tooth Extraction in Fairview

What is a Tooth Extraction?

Having a tooth pulled, also known as a tooth extraction, involves completely removing a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. While permanent teeth usually last a lifetime, sometimes removing them becomes necessary.

How is it Done?

The process depends on the tooth's position and condition:

  • Simple Extraction: For easily accessible teeth, the dentist loosens and grasps the tooth with instruments before gently removing it.
  • Surgical Extraction: For impacted or difficult-to-reach teeth, the dentist may need to cut away gum tissue or bone to access and remove the tooth.

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Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

Pain is a key indicator, often caused by decay, damage, or disease. If a tooth is beyond repair or causing significant pain, extraction might be recommended.

Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction:

  • Wisdom Teeth: These molars at the back of the mouth can cause overcrowding or pain, leading to extraction.
  • Impacted Teeth: Teeth stuck beneath the gums can cause discomfort or disrupt other teeth, necessitating removal.
  • Damaged Teeth: Severely broken, decayed, or infected teeth may require extraction.

What to Expect:

Local anesthesia numbs the area, so you shouldn't feel pain during the procedure, only slight pressure. We prioritize your comfort and address any concerns you may have about a tooth extraction.

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